Cajun TV Network

Cajun TV Network Letterhead


“Expand Your Brand” Partner ProgramsCajun-TV-Network-Cajun-In-The-City-Expand-Your-Brand


Options for Partnering with us on our Networks

Our 3 Levels of “Expand Your Brand” Promotional Marketing Campaigns

MAG Marketing Network/Cajun TV Network/Pentloft Studios has developed cooperative programs to fuel exposure of your specific product(s) with unconventional marketing partnerships (for approved vendors only).
The main core of our business model is based on simply providing your product(s) with different levels of marketing campaigns utilizing multi-media within our community.
Today, the best way to get effective brand awareness to a targeted audience is through video demonstrations/reviews. We offer a way to get a variety of YouTubers, marketers and publishers to develop sales as affiliates with a unique network. We can get your brand introduced to a regional, national and global audience with a major cooking show based in New York City. 
We have over 85,000 social media connections on our established profiles and connected to over 20,900,000 professionals on LinkedIn.



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1- Basic Program (Easy Entry Small Business Program)

Our Basic Program is designed for small business operators entering the market. We provide an affordable co-op marketing program to get your product(s) exposure under our marketing campaigns for the “Cajun Food Club”.  To reach the size audience that our established social media profiles provide with promoted ads would cost $1000’s of dollars. With our co-op, the small operator can get continuous exposure through our marketing efforts for a fraction of the cost of conventional advertising. Your product is not shared on our affiliate network (other foodies on YouTube) but is offered in the selections of the Cajun Food Club choices. READ MORE ABOUT THE BASIC PROGRAM

2- Mass Media Marketing Co-op Programs (Video featuring your product to a massive audience)

We provide your products to our affiliate network of foodies, chefs and unique publishers. They in turn will promote your products with custom videos featuring your products on their cooking shows with a revenue share program.  We then promote the product review on our established Social Media profiles, A Win for All! READ MORE ABOUT THE MASS MEDIA MARKETING CO-OP PROGRAMS

3- Title Sponsor Program (Designed for major brands to expand marketing exposure)

Our Platinum level Title Sponsor program will get your products showcased on a Premier Cajun Cooking show “Cajun in the City” aired in New York City and beyond to millions of households/mobile devices beside daily Social Media campaigns. Our network partner Pentloft Studios LLC/”Cajun In The City”, has been awarded the exclusive rights to resurrect the Justin Wilson brand which includes not only his cooking shows but also his product line. Being associated with this brand will add flair and massive exposure to all brands associated with our networks. READ MORE ABOUT THE TITLE SPONSOR PROGRAM


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